What is House dance?
I have a piece of history for you, tips on educational sites, documentaries, or - who and what is worth watching.

„Everyone has their own personality, their own style. No one is the same. It's about sharing, learning from others, and sharing an atmosphere that is unique. It's about everyone, about everything, different communities come together in one room.”
Fella Rodriguez, from the documentary “The Loft - Come as you are”
Photo: Zdroj
Begins in the late 70's, Chicago (USA) and the name House
Frankie Knuckles formed the first house music, in the well-known Chicago club Warehouse. It is said that the name "House" originated from him, in the period of the so-called "Post disco era". I wasn't even born when Frankie combined disco with drum machine (electronic music). At the time, he had no idea that a new culture would spread from small underground parties to the world. Every dancer today would like to experience what it was like in the past. We can see there thanks to legendary dancers and DJs. By retelling their stories, they have become the best resources for us.

Atmosphere in the club Warehouse
Photo: Source
“Frankie Knucles - Your Love” is considered the first house song in history
Chicago vs New York
House gradually moved from Chicago to New York. Notable clubs were Studio 54, Paradise Gararage (DJ Larry Levan) and The Loft. The Loft was David Mancuso's attic apartment, which hosted unforgettable parties every weekend. He paid for his living expenses. Balloons hung on the ceiling and people did real freestyle. I would compare it to a dance factory. The music didn't stop at no time, and they danced until the next morning.
See what it looked like in Loft
Music and dance were born at the same time. DJs and dancers on the floor created (and still do) an energy boiler together. What did this mean for the dancers in the club themselves?
Freedom. Self-expression. Sharing. Escape from reality and problems. Physical and mental relaxation. Love of music and dance. A place where everyone is equal, regardless of race, religion, or gender. The DJ's job is to create an experience for people and bring them into a state of "trance". A state where reality is forgotten, and release comes. You would find people of different cultures in these clubs. Visitors to House Dance influenced, for example, jazz, aphroma and Latin. We can see their influence in footwork.
The arrival of the next generation of house dancers and the structuring of the dance
Before the next generation of house dancers determined the structure of House, as we know it today (and as I learned it from these legends) in New York it was referred to as freestyle, hip-house, or jacking.

„1969 - the music goes to funk (James Brown, Rita Franklin) and it was all about groove, knock and clap, always stomping - everyone started dancing" jacking ". It's all about the rhythm of music. Before that, people had their personality and style, nowadays we have the names of the steps, and we recognize the dancers accordingly.“
Bravo, notes from his workshop
A group of dancers (Dance Fusion and other dancers) spread House Dance beyond the United States. They defined the house structure, so they could teach techniques and foundation (basic steps). This happened at the House dance conference in 1999 in New York, where dancers and today's legends were present: Brian Green, Tony McGregor, Shannon Which Way Sha, Bravo and others. Determining boundaries in this style has not been easy, as the essence is complete freedom.
House Dance Conference 1999
Legends Dance Fusion NYC
The most historically visible group, Dance Fusion, was responsible for spreading House into the world. Namely: Caleaf Seller, Ejoe Wilson, Marjory Smarth, Brian Green, Sheku Heru, Tony McGregor, Shannon (Which way Sha), Shan Shelby, Hiro. If you ever can learn from them, do not hesitate.
I remember the summer of 2015 when I was suppose to learn from Marjory Smarth for the first time at the SDK in Jedovnice. I was very much looking forward to it, her devotion to culture and to teaching fascinated me. Unfortunately, before arriving at Kemp, we heard that she had died due to cancer. Rest in peace.
Dance Fusion NYC
Marjory Smarth tribute video
Today's form of House dance
The underground club scene continues. House has moved to dance schools around the world and to the battle scene, which is very strong in Europe.
A preview of a battle from the most prestigious event Summer Dance Forever
Documentary: "Why did House dancing leave the club?"
Note: the history of House culture may be different from various sources. It has developed a little differently in places and people have different experiences. Information was drawn from the sources below and the original dancers' testimonies from their workshops.
Deepen your knowledge
Learn the basic steps:
House dance dictionary (staršie časti): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2Mp2jQMuiU&list=PLAC1A2D96A5CDF228
Next school dictionary - Hip hop + House (novšie časti): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CW6EvvkYNPg&list=PLBoM9tC5K3OUqhgsSiRA0JNQBPpaX7ztW
Inspirational videos:
Ejoe Wilson Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuxoL48ykPk&t=892s
Shan S Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvS8GN3GN6I
History of house dancing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGwzoJ7LFMs&t=120s
Summer dance forever - tanečná udalosť: https://www.youtube.com/user/SummerDanceForever
Juste Debout - tanečná udalosť: https://www.youtube.com/c/JUSTEDEBOUTTV/featured
Flavourama - tanečná udalosť: https://www.youtube.com/user/flavouramabattle/playlists
Worth seeing:
The Loft: Come as you are: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKZyeShtnNk
House dance | Dancers From The Loft | Paradise Garage | Documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HXpFcFXhHA
David mancuso documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ju9ASThGLqU
Maestro documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krwAATCJQQk
Check your body at the door: Check Your Body at the Door (FULL MOVIE)
Pump Up the Volume: The History of House Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRRg8M4fvUo
I Was There When House Took Over the World: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Rah1F1zq1k
Studio 54, behind the scenes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qgob2BUPgUw
Sampling Documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HZOdRaeXmA
Tips for educational sites:
The history of House music and its cultural influence: https://iconcollective.edu/the-history-of-house-music/
What is House dance https://www.steezy.co/posts/what-is-house-dance
The Loft, Build Ya Foundation a LIFTED párty: https://tanecnascena.sk/blog/2021/11/14/the-loft-build-ya-foundation-a-lifted-party/
Clubbing - House Dance https://tanecnascena.sk/blog/2018/05/07/clubbing-house-dance/