

Now and then
Currently I am on my independent journey. I regularly train five times a week – from Monday to Friday. In between House trainings I stretch and train my power. I dwell on my mental health and nutritionally balanced food, so my body could dance for the longest possible time. I try to promote House and contribute to the dance community. My goal is to build a strong group of fans of this style in Slovakia. My biggest motivation is the passion, which I feel towards House. The passion, that I want to pour into other people.

I would like to tell you a story: Modžo and dance

2 years of House dance in Sweden
My dance went through the biggest change when I was in Sweden, attending Åsa folkhögskola. There I, for 2 years, gave all my attention to House. In the discipline “House 1 style“ we worked in group of 8 people from different countries. At the same, we had to work hard independently. The schedule was challenging. From Monday to Friday, we had morning dance classes with our lectors Johanna Fröjd, Joel and Freddie. In the afternoon, we had theory classes, physical trainings, healthcare classes and culture classes.
Across the world
My base camp is D.S. Studio dance school in Košice. With the D.S. collective, we managed to dance on stages in Dubai, Qatar, Turkey, Germany and more. From the year 2006 I have visited many dance camps, workshops, and competitions with foreign and native lectors.
We meet at events, to which I always like to travel. Travelling is what brings a bunch of good-quality information to my dance.

Photo: Tomáš Mačej, D.S.Studio
Look at my dance axis
2011 - present
2017 - present
2018 - present
2019 - 2023
2019 - 2023
2020 - 2021
I am a lector at D.S. Studio dance school.
I teach at Powerhouse dance school in Aalborg (Denmark).
I become an individual dancer and I start my own journey.
I establish FLEK – a dance platform for the street dance community in Košice.
I am a part of Tanečná scéna team.
I create a group of House dance fans - House Lovers and sharing my experiences.
I study House for a year at the state school - Åsa folkhögskola in Sweden.
It’s here. I create my brand “Modžo“.
Finish studies of House for a second year at the state school - Åsa folkhögskola in Sweden.
I am leading dance course House Lovers.

“I don’t measure my success by number of trophies or awards, even though there are some. For me, success is when I spark even a little flame of passion for House. When I see students getting better, when I create a space in community for their development.”
For dance community
Create, share, support. These words represent what I want to bring to dance community via my projects. Let me introduce them.

Neutral ground for streetdancers in Košice. That is what defines Flek from April 2018. I knew that I was not the only one, who was dancing alone in my room, and I felt that it is my mission to create this space. Space, where we all meet and progress. Before, it was only me and Miloš, nowadays Flek has three administrators – Samo, Boro and me. We organize freestyle jams two times a week, we invite lectors for workshops, and create our own open classes.
Tanečná scéna
We help dance grow. This is the credo under which civil association Tanečná scéna works. We monitor happening on the dance scene, we bring local and foreign news. We support individuals, groups, and events. As the ninth member of the team, I manage our website and two sections: 4 tips and OutSide. I create graphics and capture magical moments at events.
House lovers
From 2019 I lead a small group of selected fans of House. Willingly, I provide them with my experience and information. I want to raise dancers, who will be able to further teach and spread House. I believe that in this way, they can retain House alive in our country. From a small group it becomes an annual programme for the school year 23/24 open to everyone.